PE Embossed Isolation Backing Membrane
Published:2015-03-07 15:30:56    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

 PE Embossed Isolation Backing Membrane



     Permeability of "KangDa" breathable membrane: "KangDa" breathable membrane paves outside of the insulation system, enable the water vapour inside the insulation system to exhaust, solve the condensation problem, protect the insulation system.



KangDa Diffusion Roofing Foil   



        "is a tear-resistant underlay. It has double, self-adhesive strips which provide a permanent seal of overlaps and immediate weatherproofing protection against wind, rain and snow.


KangDa vapour barrier roof membrane



         The breathable membrane has the function of waterproof and air permeable. When use this membrane wrap the insulation material, it will not stop the air or moisture get through itself, and when the moisture come condensation, the breathable membrane will keep the water drops on outside surface of the membrane. As the breathable membrane is hydrophobic, the water drop will not stay on the membrane or been absorbent, but will be fall down around the membrane, until the edges of the membrane and get out of house. So the breathable membrane is mainly used for pitched (sloppy) roof or wall wrap.



KangDa Breawarf Diffiusion Foils (C120)  



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keywords:breathable membrane breathable membrane